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Since the middle ages Monks and Nuns have prided themselves on being self-sufficient through a discipline of manual labour; however as their traditional sources of income such as farming, wine making and bread baking have become more competitive they have been forced to adapt to changing times. 


Since the middle ages Monks and Nuns have prided themselves on being
self-sufficient through a discipline of manual labour; however as their
traditional sources of income such as farming, wine making and bread
baking have become more competitive they have been forced to adapt to changing times.

Therefore the Cistercian Monks at the Holy Cross Abbey and the the
handicapped Nuns at Regina Mundi Priory welcomed Ed Leonard’s concept of Electronic Scriptorium... subcontracting major companies’ computer services to the Monastery workforce. The Monks were the perfect employees for such a labour intensive task; not only were they highly educated, but had plenty of time and were also trustworthy! Ed Leonard has now extended his successful business to other monasteries in the US and Mexico.

Computerising the picture library of the Daily News picture library (1.2m photos) has given the Monastery (based in the remote Blue Ridge Mountains, Virginia) a taste of high technology potential and they have now set up a web site through which they sell their home-made fruitcakes.

As Mike Preacher, the Drugstore’s project manager explains, “For us, outsourcing this sort of sensitive work that demands high levels of accuracy to a group of
Benedictine Nuns no longer seems like an unusual decision at all…. what is crucially important is that you can trust the people you are contracting. New media is such a competitive industry nowadays and an advantage of just a few weeks can make such a difference, that it is more important than ever that some things are kept confidential. This way of doing business certainly ensures that.”

In addition to the job, the handicapped Nuns at Regina Mundi Priory are digitally archiving the ancient manuscripts of the renowned Pierpont Morgan Library in Manhattan. The transcriptions include delicate works and extremely valuable original manuscripts by authors such as Charles Dickens and Jane Austen. Fittingly it also includes original texts from the Middle Ages, when the majority of books were first painstakingly illuminated by monastic orders.

For us, outsourcing this sort of sensitive work that demands high levels of accuracy to a group of Benedictine Nuns no longer seems like an unusual decision at all…. what is crucially important is that you can trust the people you are contracting.
— Mike Preacher | Drugstore Project Manager